Whatever happened to the Rio Grande dome car?
#1 John on 2014-10-03 15:06
The Silver Pony is currently stored unusable. My estimate, it would cost about $100,000 to restore to operation. This includes viable air-conditioning system, Working power plant, New installed windows, new rebuilt wheels and truck frames, and restored interior. This project needs its own funding commitment. Roger
#1.1 Roger Kramer on 2014-10-09 10:28
My sister used to own the ACL Birmingham Lightweight Diner when it was located in Lansing, IL. Do you still have this car at your location? And if so, is it open to the public? We would love to come see it.
#2 Lynn Lawrence on 2014-10-17 10:21
Yes, we still have the "Birmingham" and we have held private parties in it this year. It is open to the public sometimes during the summer. If you contact IRM before coming out, myself or someone else from the coach department would be happy to show you or your sister the car.
#2.1 Michael McCraren on 2014-10-19 16:20
That would be great! I spoke to my sister and hopefully after the holidays, some time next year, we will take a ride out there. We will contact IRM before we come. Thanks!
#2.1.1 Lynn Lawrence on 2014-12-09 13:27
IRM re-opens on Sundays in April and weekend starting in May. Just call the office and they can get a hold of us.
# Michael McCraren on 2014-12-09 22:02
Did IRM ever get the California Zephyr Baggage car "Silver Beaver"?
#3 Dan on 2014-12-09 12:15
There is some new information concerning the Silver Beaver. What it needs is for its track charges to be paid. To make a donation the fund name is, of course, Silver Beaver. Thanks Roger
#4 Roger Kramer on 2014-12-10 21:54
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