Could the IRM ask Union Pacific, if Union Pacific could make a crossover from IRM's mainline, to the bridge on Union Pacific's line then rejoin, (possibly unclaimed) track on the other side of the Kishwaukee river. The only problem is, if autorack or stack trains, might short, damage or touch an overhead wire, Or maybe IRM could ask Union Pacific for a bridge. (Idea for the end of IRM's mainline
#1 Michael on 2016-08-21 15:39
IRM owns the entire ROW into Huntley, so there is a chance that the 2 lines can unite There. however, as far as a Bridge is concerned, its most likely going to be on IRM's own terms, unless, say, a Class I line gives it to them at the right length, which seems unlikely.
#1.1 Raphael on 2016-08-25 17:39
It is my understanding that IRM's right of way extends as far east as Coyne Station Road on the west edge of Huntley; however, any plans to build a bridge over the Kishwaukee River and extend track esstward depend on two things: 1)Metra extending commuter service into Huntley, and 2) someone dropping off a VERY big check earmarked for that project. Estimate around a million for the bridge alone, plus adding 1.5 miles of track, plus overhead 600v power lines and probably another substation, plus some sort of end station at the new east access point... any recent lottery winners volunteering? Personally, the next major project I would prefer to see would be the installation of the new turntable and construction of a roundhouse to protect the rest of IRM's steam collection.
#1.1.1 Mike G. on 2016-08-28 16:33
There is absolutely no chance of this happening for an encyclopedia's worth of legal reasons. We would have to have our operations dispatched by UP, and vice versa, whenever there is one of these crossovers. There are dumb ideas, idiot ideas, insane ideas, and ideas that defy all known logic. This idea is all of the above.
#1.1.2 John on 2016-08-29 17:13
As much as that sounds promising, since IRM is a tourist railroad and UP is a class 1 aside from the dispatching issue, all trainmen and enginemen, (for steam, diesel, and electric cars both Trolley and interurban, would have to pass a GCOR test to connect with the UP. And of course with the current operations at IRM, the museum would have to fit into the current operations of the Belvidere Sub. That would cause more headaches then optimal operation. I had envisioned many years ago, IRM extended into western edge of Huntley, but as already mentioned you would have to purchase land for a turning loop for the steam/diesel trains, a station building and associated parking lot. Not a viable option at this time or in the near future. gHRw
# Thomas Kaufman on 2016-09-03 15:52
FYI, Otto Engineering in Carpentersville wants the ex CNW bridge over the Fox River removed which is just north of their property. However I have heard it is owned by Kane County. Perhaps this bridge can be used to bridge the IRM mainline over the Kishwaukee River? Otto may even help pay for its removal and Kane County might give their blessing knowing it would be going to a good cause. I know there are many hurdles to overcome to extend the IRM mainline further east. I am just hoping this may clear one of those hurdles.
#1.1.3 Ed Moran on 2017-09-03 23:01
That might be a bit too much bridge. Measuring it on Google Maps makes it out to be around 102 feet. Using the same tools, the UP bridge at the river is about 45 feet. You could make it fit, but then you have a lot more bridge than you need. It's also a truss bridge, so that makes clearances a potential problem -- and a big (and expensive) problem moving it. There's about a 50 foot girder bridge on the IRM property -- no idea if it is usable or already earmarked for crossing Boot Creek by the diamond.
# Patrick on 2017-09-07 20:27
From the satellite view on Google maps, that appears to be mostly wooden trestle with one section of iron truss bridge... which by itself is probably not long enough to cross the Kishwaukee River and its associated flood plain. Also, is the truss tall enough to accommodate the bilevels with enough clearance for overhead trolley wire? Even if Otto were to donate and transport the bridge for free, it may not be adaptable to use at IRM. Then again, this is my opinion only, and the museum board would have to weigh in on the subject.
# Mike G. on 2017-09-10 09:11
I will say this. At least you are asking questions like this and pointing these issues out. Yes, getting this bridge (or anything for that matter) would beneficial, but it would be better to ask all these questions first rather than blindly buying, only to run into issues later.
# Matt Maloy on 2017-09-29 12:40
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