A beautiful restoration. Can't wait to see the car in the spring. A true labor of love - can't even imagine the hours that have been spent on this - but the hard works absolutely shines! Bob
#1 Bob on 2015-02-16 19:53
The tag shows the date of the last seat reupholstering. Chris & Dan Buck have assisted with the 3rd rail beam project for 1797. In Chicago, it's called the 'L'.
#2 Bill Wulfert on 2015-02-16 23:26
Great Post! Thanks for this. Can I email you and ask for couple of question? :D
#2.1 Werner Bachinski (Homepage) on 2015-12-20 23:23
Werner, I created the post you commented on back in February 2015 for another volunteer. You may ask any question you like. While I may not know the answer there are other members of the Coach Department who regularly respond to blog comments so you could get the information you need. Thanks for your interest in the IRM blog!
#2.1.1 Pauline Trabert on 2015-12-21 18:54
speaking of electric cars, i haven't heard any updates about Michigan Electric 28. what has been done since its last blog post?
#3 Raphael on 2015-02-18 03:31
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