Mr. Cronin,
You have a big job on oyur hands with that Passenger car Collection. So why is the C,B & Q 7128 coach with is cut down to the window sills still on the property? Collect the trucks or whatever else is salvageable and get it away. There is never enough track space or Car Barn Space for cars that may be restored.
Thanks for your thoughts!
Ted Miles, IRM Member
While I am not Paul and do not pretend to speak for him, as a volunteer of the coach department, I personally disagree with the notion that the 7128 should be unceremoniously scrapped. The car suffered a fire and is in the slow process of becoming an open car. The steel and most of the other materials to complete the car are on hand, awaiting a welder to install the steel. If we complete it as an open car; it will be a useful addition to the train. It is quite unfortunate that the car suffered the fire, since we do not have any other cars built by the Aurora Shops, or any other pre-bilevel commuter coaches from the CB&Q. As an additional note (open to correction), I'm fairly certain that 7128 is paid up on track space fees.
At least we agree that it can not be restored to a full passenger car!
You might look at the Colorado Railroad Museum they are building some open cars for the times that Thomas The Bank comes to visit.
Ted Miles, IRM Member
Throw a tarp over it and call it a CB&Q Baggage car. Solves several problems all at once. Heck, we could even sell pizza by the slice out of it on excursion runs! Heh heh!