It is always nice to see the Zephyr on the line with the diner serving lunch like during it's "In Service" Days.
#1 Walter Unglaub on 2015-07-18 09:26
isn't MBTA 902 on the chopping block?
#2 Raphael on 2015-07-18 22:54
Raphael, In an attempt to keep the blog accurate if youre going to make comments please gather your information and make an educated post. That unit was the victim of a fire that heavily damaged it. It is, at this point, best suited as a parts donor. IRM doesnt just scrap pieces of equipment. We need parts, and this unit is a great donor for other pieces of equipment in the collection that will need hard to find parts in the future.
#2.1 Stephie on 2015-07-31 17:55
Well stated Stephie. Thank You.
#2.1.1 Walter Unglaub on 2015-08-10 17:26
a great line up this year I watched it on web cam couldn't make it this year I hope everybody has a good time despite the rain
#3 jack pfleeger on 2015-07-19 07:38
BN 9908 seemed to be hiding this weekend. Any news on what's up with it?
#4 Nick on 2015-07-20 21:00
It's in the shop for body work and backdating.
#4.1 JWG on 2015-07-24 07:30
That's a shame. I was hoping they would leave it as 9908 for a while longer. Love the BN colors.
#4.1.1 Nick on 2015-07-25 10:02
Nick, from my understanding, since 9908 no longer has HEP, it is being backdated into its CBQ heritage and will also be used as a backup to 9911 for the Nebraska Zephyr trainset. Also, as my understanding, BN3 will eventually be restored to it's BN livery as it does have operating HEP. Jamie or Jeron could probably verify that but I hope that info helps. Nick
# Nick on 2015-08-11 18:29
Raphael. Please clarify what you mean when you state that "MBTA is on the chopping block". Was this acquisition of IRM's only GP9 for parts?
#5 MRZ on 2015-07-22 18:27
yes, or so i've heard. used as parts for the other geeps in the collection.
#5.1 Raphael on 2015-07-23 16:30
#5.2 JWG on 2015-07-24 08:13
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