Will these barns be open to the public when completed or are they just for storage?
#1 Josh on 2015-08-14 09:12
Hello Josh Public display of these barns has yet to be determined but its a good possibility. At least one might be but there are many conditions yet to be work out. Roger
#1.1 Roger Kramer on 2015-08-14 13:18
Roger, With the construction of these 2 new storage barns, how much of this giant collection would you say is stored inside? Im happy to know my very small donations (wish I could win the lotto) have helped make this happen! Thanks.
#2 Nick on 2015-08-17 17:11
Hello Nick Thanks for your question! Without doing the math that would take some time but I can only guess and say about 3/5 You would take all the running footage of the barns[ 17 barn counting bus barns] Then add all footage of equipment and divide the two. Quite a lot of finger counting!! Also that figure will always change due to new arriving equipment.
#2.1 Roger Kramer on 2015-08-18 08:23
Nick, Each of these barns are 512' long, with 8' walks on each end. After the math we have 3,968 track feet of inside storage space. What specifically will go in these barns may or may not be determined yet, but needless to say quite a bit of what has been stored outside will now be inside.
#2.2 Mark on 2015-08-18 11:13
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