just kinda curious on how the cleaning company responded to the job request. 'you want us to clean what? How many?'
#1 Mike Minear on 2015-09-01 15:11
Hello Mike They were hired with no comment and enjoyed working on our equipment. They did a fine job and we will hire them again. Thanks Roger
#1.1 Roger Kramer on 2015-09-01 19:19
Roger that is money well spent. I finally broke down and hired Stanley Steamer to clean several of our Heaveyweight and stainless coaches. They were very reasonable and worth every penny! John Bimrose NCTM Spencer Shops
#1.1.1 John Bimrose on 2015-09-03 14:04
Hello John Yes it was well worth the money. There are some jobs better left to the pros. Hope to see you during the convention here is mid September Please stop by and say hello. Roger
# Roger Kramer on 2015-09-03 20:36
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