Does the lead truck on 428 need the same work done to it as the drivers are having done? Also, besides the amount of volunteers available, what goes into deciding which engine(s) receive work when under restoration/rebuild? You guys are doing a great job and I thoroughly enjoy the updates!
The lead truck did need similar work to the driving axles. However most of this was done some years ago. The truck frame and a liner for the very worn spring post mounting in the front of the frame are all ready. Fitting of these parts is of limited value until the drive axles are completed.
What will be done next?. A complex discussion based upon cash, available specialized volunteer skills, personal preferences. Obviously there is input from active volunteers within the shop with the final decision resting with the curator.
Hello Nigel, is there a separate project manager for each locomotive? I would like to see a list of remaining items, similar to that of the Shay, for 428. Since 428's boiler was steamed and the 1472-day "clock" has started ticking, does it appear that 428 will return to service at IRM within the next few years? Also, how much (if any) of the steam collection is slated to find a home in one of the new barns (or one of the existing barns after the inevitable shuffling and switching)? Thank you for your continuing efforts in running the Steam Department, and for your regular informative blog updates.
In an effort to ensure better coordination of effort and also ensure that the knowledge required to keep steam running is passed to the next generation, Tom has substantially delegated responsibility for the Shay to Brian and #1630 to Jason. This is proving very positive in setting and maintaining objectives and work plans for the key locomotives.
#428 is a very different beast.
First, please do not perpetuate the myth that steaming her "started the clock". Putting the tubes in does this even if the boiler is never steamed. In her case (tubed before she even came under the FRA regulations) there was a grace period before the clock started. She was steamed to confirm the work was good when this period was expiring and it no longer had any impact on the timing of the 1472.
Second timing, and this is nothing but Nigel's personal ramblings. This is the extreme case of money versus time. A huge amount of work has been done and we have a clear view of what remains to be done but this includes a LOT of fabrication and machining. If we had the money to do this by employing people full time / contracting out, my guess is that she could run in 2017. BUT, #428 attracts very little money so work is all done by our few specialized volunteers. A full time person would work about 250 man days per year (and would require donations of about $50,000 per year), a volunteer can provide maybe 30-40 days if he still has a regular job. Rather different projected end date!.
Could we revive donation interest in #428, based upon a clear plan to have her running in 2 years, once we have proved a track record in getting #1630 and #5 restored ... maybe. Would the picture look different if a couple of people with the specialist skills showed up able to volunteer several days a week .... absolutely.
Barn space. Steam should get about 400ft. Lots of questions because most larger steam engines are too long to negotiate the curves into the South Yards. Conundrum as the South barns will not be public for some time. Do you displace better smaller locos from public view to get big locos into barn 9.
Thank you for your comments.