I was there on the 19th but missed both steam trips because I only had a 2 hour visit because I sadly had to work both days so I missed out but next year I will be back for both days but I did have time to photograph and video 1630 in steam though.
#1 Matthew Gustafson on 2015-10-26 20:55
Has any thought been given to finishing the small missing partitions and woodwork to the lounge area? The woodwork could be done in the shop during cold weather and applying it would bring the completion closer.
#2 Kirk Warner on 2015-10-29 15:07
Hello Kirk With the recent shipping and unloading of the Mt. Harvard I haven't had too much time to think of the Dover. Mark Hoffman is working on Bedroom B removing old paint in preparation for a repaint. Paul John Mckelvey and myself have discussed the winter plans for the lounge. I will try and get drawings from the Pullman Library regarding the partitions. That is next. Roger
#2.1 Roger Kramer on 2015-10-29 18:38
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