Great news (ovrall) on 1630 and the shay. The 1630 is getting better every year, and we should have the shay well before Members' Showcase 2016. Keep up the good work!
#1 Brian J. Patterson on 2015-12-27 19:28
Nigel, out of morbid curiosity, when the valve liners wear beyond their wear limits, how are they removed from the valve chest for replacement? BTW, thanks for all of your continuing efforts
#2 C Kronenwetter on 2015-12-28 18:29
Hope this remains as just morbid curiosity!. This is something we really do not want to do!. I have never seen it done but I believe the method is to draw the old liner out using a threaded puller. Probably help to use a cooling agent such as dry ice to try to shrink the liner a little to make the pull easier. Nigel
#2.1 Nigel Bennett on 2015-12-28 21:10
Has the smoke box insert on the Shay been fully welded or are you waiting to weld until after the riveting is completed?
#3 Kirk Warner on 2016-01-01 08:06
Kirk, The welding will be done after the riveting. This way the join is made after any fractional distortion to the plates caused by the riveting. Nigel
#3.1 Nigel Bennett on 2016-01-01 11:51
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