Thanks for the updates, It provides insight and appreciation into how much effort goes in to keeping these locomotives in operting condition.
#1 Mark Becker on 2016-02-01 10:52
just general, but would the museum have enough room for a working AEM-7?
#2 Raphael on 2016-02-04 23:11
If theres a working Little Joe what do you think? Go back to watching Anime and stop cluttering these posts with nonsense.
#3 Rob on 2016-02-07 09:37
Surprised that there enough trackage at the museum along with tight turns to operate "Little Joe" Same goes with former "Pennsy" GG-1 ! Keep up the FANTASTIC WORK GUYS!!!
#3.1 Tim on 2016-02-25 22:18
As a new member of IRM, what can I do to get GTW RS-1 #1951 prepared for "diesel days"?
#4 Tim on 2016-02-25 22:12
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