Great progress to date, folks. Does anyone know the history of how the Silver Pony ended up having no trucks? And was this what made the car affordable to IRM?
After Grand Canyon Railway purchased Silver Pony at the auction in San Antonio, the car was derailed and damaged twice. Following the second derailment, it was placed on a flatcar for shipment to GCRY. Nobody seems to know if GCRY kept the trucks or scrapped them. The fact that GCRY started using Silver Pony as a parts source and didn't intend on restoring it to operation somewhat helped its case for availability to IRM.
Thanks for your support!
I think it is lucky that IRM was able to get this car a few years before another outfit started buying up all the lightweight cars everywhere. Even considering the "poor" condition that almost got this car scrapped at the time, that outfit probably would have paid a bit of money for it anyway.
Hello Dan The Silver Pony is already to be shipped! That's the good news. Unfortunately, the phrase "It all costs money" is now a reality. We now must pay to ship it and it will cost about $4,500. This goes for every piece of equipment not at the campus. Come up with the $ and it will soon be home. Otherwise , we may never see it!
Hello Dan I believe you are talking about either Silver Pony. the Dome or Silver Beaver, the Budd baggage car! Both cars need donations. Call the office at 815 923 4391 to make a donation over the phone w/ credit card, Thanks Roger
Jan 2018-sorry I have not been up to help on Silver Pony. I will send another check soon and hope to get there. it is about 165 miles for me. I did make it up this past summer with a guest who is challenged a bit but did get to the barn for a peek.Is there anything in the Peoria area I could 'haul". I have an antique Silverado that still goes.I`ve spent more on this 1990version than I could sell it for!!!
I kind of wish the museum had some passenger cars they could lease out especially with NKP 765 visiting Chicago next month it could make some money for the museum.
If we really wanted to, I'm sure we could do the work. The problem is the insurance would most likely cost more than we would make on it, unless it spent the whole summer out running excursions.
It is good that Pony has a home. I am 80 and a great fan of CB&Q.I hope to be able to come there from East Peoria soon. Bob McCutchen(steam dept)deceased and I go back a long way in Scouting and IRM.I would like to help on a day when working on Pony. At least I will send a check!!
When do you work on Pony??? I am handy and have a pick up truck.I am mechanically
inclined and can do electrical as well.
Me, again. Not much on blogging..I will have to support "Pony' with a check or so.
I do want to ride her before my expiration date!!I will try to come up some Wednesday with a helper..have pick up and tools. Sounds like there is plenty i could do!!I have the HO model of"Pony" on my desk!!
Hello Mr. Cridlebaugh We have recently purchased $1,700 of window rubber molding for the Pony. Any donations towards this purchase would be appreciated. We have now have volunteer crews working on coach projects on Wednesday as well as now Thursdays. Hope to see. Roger
Kind of a long shot but imagine next year if 765 comes back for the galesburg trips they put the Zephry cars on the back. It add some seats. It be a sight to see, and 765 could probable handle the train still.
Great, I`ll send a check earmarked "Silver Pony fund" soon!!And i`ll try to come up. my truck is `90 C1500 Silverado
with a "few' mile on her!! I think she`ll make it.Is there anything in my area that I could pick up/bring up??? i`m about 165 miles south.East Peoria
Thank you for your donation, Dick. Hope to see you. Please advise us via email when you might be arriving so that we can schedule someone, hopefully, Jeron, to show you around. Thanks Roger
I plan to be up this coming Saturday with a check. I hope it is not scorching hot. I know the car barns can get pretty warm.If "Pony' is still in the same barn, I know where that is. Dick
Hello Mr. Cridlebaugh Saturday will be a fine day to view the "Pony" and other rolling stock. Its also diesel weekend. Be sure and introduce yourself to Jeron and Cody, who are working on the Pony. I am sure they will show you around the dome. I should be around the barn 3 coach shed. Its going to be warm so stay in the shade! Thanks again for your interest and support. Regards Roger
OK..who do I contact about estate planning/bequests?? I have a modest collection of lanterns,books, paper, etc.
And with the heat, an 80+ year old from East Peoria may just wait till a cooler
day to pay my respects!!The check is in the mail.
Hello Dick First, I would talk to Board member Paul Cronin and tell him your interest in estate planning. I would suggest any future planning for your estate to be place in a piece of equipment such as your interest in the Silver Pony or other passenger cars. It would be used for a specific restoration project as opposed to general use. Your collection of lanterns books etc could also be given to the Silver Pony restoration. Therefore, your interest would be preserved in that piece! Yes, it will be hot this weekend and you made the wise choice. Thank you in advance for your support of the Pony. Hope to meet you when it weather cools. Regard Roger Kramer