Hi Roger, Good job on the turntable turntable update. When will 1630 be running? Sincerely, Ethan A.
#1 Ethan Armitage on 2016-05-26 20:32
Hello Ethan BTW the turntable was successfully unloaded yesterday! Mark Secco and his crew did a marvelous job planning and then executing this undertaking. No other museum could have done this! To answer your other question concerning the 1630; the plan is to test fire it this weekend. Its questionable whether it will run for service this long weekend Thanks Roger
#1.1 Roger Kramer on 2016-05-27 07:32
I can't wait to see this project completed, will have to put in a donation for this!! Are there any operational 130 foot turntables left in the US outside of UP facilities in Cheyenne, WY? It would be an awesome sight to see special UP excursion trains to Union led by UP 844, 3985, or 4014 after restoration. Perhaps the next IRM project would be acquiring UP 4006 from The Museum of Transportation in St. Louis, maybe even restoration? That would be AMAZING!
#2 Zach Godzicki on 2016-06-20 12:03
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