Not quite all new. The yard rail is old mainline rail. We replaced main line rail with newly purchased. The mainline rail had historically weak bars and we replaced a lot each spring. this rail was moved to the yard. Any leftover may go into 34 track when we rebuild that track. I can have broken bars in the yard forever. Never on the main line.
#1 Frank D on 2016-08-29 17:21
Are there any plans to extend the mainline further East?
#1.1 Jerry Hund on 2016-09-03 13:54
No, not at this time.
#1.1.1 Jamie K on 2016-09-06 18:27
Just curious... what is the plan for the open space between Barn 11 and Barn 13? Is it not a suitable site for a yard and/or barn as well, or is that slated for construction at a future date contingent on land acquisition east of Boot Creek?
#2 Mike G. on 2016-08-29 18:25
That is the future site of Yard 12. We own the land across the creek, but it would be necessary to build a bridge over the creek at South Jct. (where the track goes east to nowhere) and at least a decent length lead for switching on the other side. (This would also reduce the amount of land we can rent out for farming.) Meanwhile, there's no point in building a yard we can't get into.
#2.1 David S on 2016-09-01 11:15
Yard/Barn 12, and we already own the land. A bridge has to be built across Boot Creek in order to have a long enough lead to access it.
#2.2 Jeron Glander on 2016-09-01 22:04
Too bad a future Yard 12 can't connect to the same lead as Yards 13 & 14. That would save the hassle of a new bridge and all that.
#2.2.1 Reader on 2016-09-04 19:17
What about visitor access to the new barns we already have? Great to get equipment out of the weather but it would be nice to be able to see it!
#3 Steve Kraus on 2016-09-03 00:21
Wasn't there an iron bridge recovered from Chicago for a bridge across Boot Creek? Ted Miles, IRM Member
#4 Ted Miles on 2016-09-03 23:19
The mention of "not paying to purchase used ties" takes me back to the 1960s and some of the track salvage jobs I worked on as a new member of Orange Empire. Some of the rails and ties we picked up were rather pathetic--we wouldn't even send a truck for such junk nowadays.
#5 Bob Davis on 2016-10-02 02:59
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