Look great, but you might want to seriously consider getting a pressurized paint pot. These hold 1 to 5 gallons of paint depending on size. This would allow you to paint an entire car side without having to refill the paint cup continuously.
#1 Kurt Schlieter on 2017-09-13 17:01
Hello Kurt DID you ever paint with a pot? It takes longer to clean the system then its worth.
#1.1 Roger Kramer on 2017-09-30 21:51
Roger, if you use a liner or a container in the pot the only added work is flushing the material hose and the pickup tube.
#1.1.1 Kurt Schlieter on 2017-10-22 18:39
I saw the IC car today and the paint looks wonderful. The car will stand out in a train once it it ready for service. Great job!
#2 Kirk Warner on 2017-09-15 21:03
Hello Kirk You should see it now. We have painted the other side
#2.1 Roger Kramer on 2017-09-30 21:47
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