Roger, Can you provide an update on the ME28? I know Norm and Jeff have been busy on the front end. How is the riveting progressing? Thanks!
#1 Ray Schmid on 2018-01-18 16:11
Hello Ray I will get some updated pictures this coming weekend. I do know that most of the riveting has been completed. Thanks Rogerr
#1.1 Roger Kramer on 2018-01-18 18:46
Ray, Good to hear from you. Norm and I plus 3 people from the Steam Shop have been riveting the front end framing. I have had to drop out due to health problems, temporarily I hope. About 50% of the rivets are done. Many problems have been encountered but overcome. How's the weather in Hawaii? Very cold here. Jeff
#1.2 Jeff Brady on 2018-01-25 15:45
I was wonder what is the correct number of the Ggreen Bay & Western? My IRM Roster has it down as #110; other places say 109. Will the real number, please stand up! Ted Miles
#2 Ted Miles on 2018-01-18 20:30
Up until now, I haven't heard any news on 451 since it arrived from Trollyville. Is it a good time to resume on that car?
#3 Raphael Chapman on 2018-01-18 22:25
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