Hi there - I am working on a locomotive simulator project, and need to find a good source for train hardware found on obsoleted and current trains. I found this pic of an installation of hardware I need myself! Any possible help or referrals would be greatly appreciated. Donna Rogers 817-293-7005 X270
#1 Donna Rogers on 2009-04-16 10:44
Hi Donna. Your request is fairly general and wide spreading. Hard to imagine a hinge from an electric loco appearing in a simulator in enough detail to matter. Perhaps a more specific question would get a better answer. Where are you located? If in range of IRM a visit would allow you close up inspection and photos of many items. You can also go to the Yahoo Group IRMList and that is more appropriate for a message board and questions in my opinion. Bob Kutella
#1.1 Robert Kutella on 2009-04-17 05:43
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