Who is responsible for updating the roster, and how often is it done? After reading in the blog about the Monee project and IRM acquiring 2 new steam locomotives, I checked the roster and saw no new additions. Upon further inspection, I realized that even some equipment which has been on IRM grounds for years (like IC 201, which was featured prominently on IRM's 2005 calendar) are not listed either. Would this be the responsibility of the steam department, which isn't even listed in the category tree?
#1 Mike Gorecki on 2009-03-02 11:13
The roster is compiled by a number of folks. The data online is derived from data collected from a database that is used for print material as well, and its usually only updated every few years. The interval of the latest update has been longer than in the past, and the next revision is in process now.
#1.1 James Kolanowski on 2009-03-02 21:30
My family moved to Morris IL from Union during the mid 90's. Since the move it's been a long time since any of us have been back. What new equipment has been added to the roster?
#1.1.1 Jonathan Hill on 2009-03-05 13:20
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