Very interesting to hear about Santa Fe #543 - I sent a message a few months ago about it, requesting information about whether #543 runs? If not, is the prime mover that was mounted on the flatcar with #543 ment for it, or for some other engine? what major repair work needs to be done on #543 to get it running (If that is the museum's overall goal) I was also curious about the museum's long range goal of erecting some of the stored structures like your gas station kit, A movie theater, exhibit buildings, as well as some of the other evential "Main Street" structures that you people once wrote about in one of your online museum periodicals that you may some day build near the museums parking lot Please respond many people on my end in MA are curious to know if such information can be obtained Thank you for your responce . Sincerely, Michael Eisenberg
#1 Michael Eisenberg on 2010-03-23 21:01
If you ever get the money to repaint this engine, I would hope you would repaint it to have the big letters Santa Fe instead of the small print. Maybe, that's not how it was to begin with, but it would a look better in my opinion with the Big Letters. The small Santa Fe painted on it just reminds me of any random blue / yellow train. A picture of what I mean:
#2 Randy on 2017-08-10 17:46
Randy, The 543 was never in that paint scheme. It'll likely be restored to the zebra stripe scheme whenever it does get restored. Jamie
#2.1 Jamie K on 2017-08-11 00:05
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