the Michigan car is one of only three cars from the whole state to be preserved. A static interurban and a Detroit Birney are the only others I can find. Nice to see the body coming back together. especially as you had to start with the bolsters! now that is what I call working forom the ground up!
#1 Ted Miles on 2009-12-19 23:26
Not to argue with you Ted, but there are THREE Michigan cars in the IRM collection alone. The ME 28 which continues under restoration, Detroit Street Railways 3865, and an ME 1616 series car which is being restored to second owner status as Lake Shore Electric 810. Now my memory may be failing me but I thought there was also a wood interurban body saved in lower Michigan - maybe in the Holland area? Or is that the static interurban you refer to? Bob Kutella
#1.1 Robert Kutella on 2009-12-20 15:29
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