if ya thought working there was tough,
just think how hard these guys in CT feel
and CT is also where i was born too so according to dad, working up there in the winter is tough
happy new-year anyway.
You note five down, four to go...
When you say five down, is this the
Vera Cruz open car, the CGRTA/TCRT PCC, the Dallas PCC (stored for someone else), and the 36 and 319 ?
Then assuming that, is the four to go, the 409, the two St Louis cars, and the rumored double truck open car ?
So many cars it's hard to keep track !
John, your count is correct and that is the cars we won in the Trolleyville bids, coupled with two others we are acquiring as a direct result or fallout of the Trolleyville dispersion, and the Dallas car we are storing. As far as I know the double truck open car from Brazil is the real deal, not rumor.
Jamie is correct overall adding the SS 1100, but then I suppose the list grows with the heavyweight in Denver, and - - -
Bob Kutella
My understanding is that Scranton traded the Rio open car for the P&W 160 car that East Troy had (And were glad to get rid of) That car has a lot of problems.
with the trolleyville cars ( the CA&E's ) plus the CA&E cars you have, you can use them to celebrate CA&E's birthday ( when is it anyway? ) or museum showcase weekend with the CA&E cars from oldest to youngest,
The possibilities are endless!
I think you missed the boat on that idea, at least for the centennial birthday. My failing memory seems to be telling me 1902 for the first date of operation. The Hicks team is more aware of CA&E history and dates than I, and they have made significant efforts over the past few years to have milestone events, like a particular car's 100th birthday.
Bob Kutella
I,m a little late on this but I,m really glad that IRM got the Pullman And St Louis cars back to Il. I photographed the four St Louis cars the day they left Wheaton pulled by a CNW geep. My thought was why Cleveland? I guess we should all be glad that Gerry Brookins was around with deep pockets to save all the cars he did.