if not done when you want to sand somthing, i think you should do it by hand until then. and with a lot of projects done, you may want to think about the glen alta.
#1 Eric Chapman on 2010-02-04 15:11
Eric, I think you have never hand sanded a hardwood window frame. It used to take two hours each to do that, and that with a good orbital sander. The product was acceptable with care, but always had some waviness, low spots, or rounded edges. Multiply that by the 71 windows and three large doors in the shop right now, consider an average volunteer comes out one day per month, and you are looking at THREE YEARS of sanding for someone. NOT ME! The GLEN ALTA?? Where did that comment come from? While it does need some woodworking parts, the roof leaks and there is little or no funding available to buy materials or do the work. The first thing should be to seal the roof and get it paid up for inclusion in the next Barn. But if we wait much longer it may cease to be an issue. Bob Kutella
#1.1 Robert Kutella on 2010-02-05 11:29
so for now, i think you should store the glen alta in barn 11. you may also want to start working on it ( if the museum has got some more bucks leftover ).
#2 Eric Chapman on 2010-02-06 13:49
There is no way the Glen Alta will find space in Barn 11. Eric, you (and others) apparently still have no idea how IRM grows and is able to finance new buildings. In the case of Barn 11, fundraising went on for years. About two years ago it was judged that sufficient funds were on hand to start construction. At that time each department committed (and transferred) funds for pieces to be housed in the new barn. It is kind of like a subscription basis and those items that paid two years ago and have been waiting patiently will now go inside under roof. For the Glen Alta, it would need another $12,000 in donations and then to wait for the NEXT structure. It is not hopeless but needs new money from anyone, in any amount, to climb that hill. Bob Kutella
#2.1 Robert Kutella on 2010-02-07 05:01
so then a tarp will have to do Right?
#3 Eric Chapman on 2010-02-07 11:02
The use of tarps is strictly a short term solution in my opinion - such as having paid for indoor space in the next structure but having to wait a few years for the building to be completed and pass inspection. We do not have a warehouse full of durable tarps waiting to be used. For the Glen Alta, a car that large, a decent tarp would cost over $3000 and perhaps have a life expectancy of five years. I do not believe there is money available for that right now and in a few years you are back at ground zero, with no long term solution in place, merely having spent the funds that were on hand. Bob Kutella
#3.1 Robert Kutella on 2010-02-07 19:24
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