Please advise if you accept donations. Is the scope of your collection traction only?, Mid-West only? What is the procedure for donations? I live in California, but have roots to the Illinois Terminal RR and CSS&SBRR, and have 54 years of experience on the design of transit and railways.
#1 Robert Clemons on 2015-08-16 03:32
Robert, the collection is most definitely not solely traction only or Midwestern only, although a majority of the collection is from railroads in the vicinity. Donations are the primary way that the museum is funded. If you would like to donate, some projects or pieces of equipment can be donated to through the online store, but the better way would probably be to mail a check that is labeled with the project or piece of equipment that you would like to donate to.
#1.1 Lee Evans on 2015-08-21 20:14
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