I think the idea of these re-enactments is fascinating and I've seen the videos on youtube. But, I was wondering if you have any plans for a moment of silence or something similar for our veterans? I do have an idea and you can call me or e-mail me if you would like to discuss it. Thanks.
#1 Jim Froida on 2010-05-05 15:58
Jim, on monday we plan to hold a memorial day service for the veterans at the memorial next to the depot on the grounds. Then we hope to be able to ride with the veterans on their own train in the afternoon. You can see the schedule of events at and go the the "schedule" button and click there. What is your idea? We're always open to suggestion. As WW2 historians, we are very sensitive to any issue regarding our veterans. Most will not be with us much longer, sadly......
#1.1 Phil on 2010-05-10 08:14
You're Anzio/Canteen event is truly excellent. An informative and fun way in learning more about WWII on a whole for adult and kids as well.
#1.2 Kevin McCarthy on 2011-01-24 20:09
This sounds like a fantastic use of the museum and it's wonderful artifacts. Add in the use of the troops and I assume volunteers and this should prove to be a truly special event. Having moved from the area to the West Coast I will be unable to attend but has there been any thougt to document the event for a possible DVD sale? Best of luck to IRM. Keep up the great work.
#2 Joe on 2010-05-17 20:43
A DVD for all of us out here west of the Mississippi, and everyone else, who can't attend is a great idea. I first visited your museum when the Zephyr was still 'dead' inside a shed and still remember my awe when standing at its nose.
#2.1 Roger Wilander on 2010-05-18 00:38
Wow! This will be a cool event. I plan to attend Saturday. Will all of those reenactments be performed on Saturday? Also, what trains will fun that day? Thanks!
#3 Jake Branson on 2010-05-25 15:32
I love this event. Being just one of the many lucky reenactors that participates in this event, we cannot thank the Illinois Railway Museum enough for giving us such a great venue to 'play' in. Upon arriving at the event, you will be given a detailed schedule of what is going on that day. There is a lot to see and do throughout the day and on Saturday, we recreate the North Platte Canteen event near the end of the day. It's amazing to see the train pull up, our mighty men in uniform pore out for all the public to see. We hope all of you will be able to attend this year...Thank you again for all you're kind words.
#3.1 Lisa Dousharm on 2011-03-25 16:23
Any information on this event for this year? Can't seem to find any or get anyone to answer. Thanks...TED
#3.1.1 TED on 2012-03-28 14:33
Can't wait to bring the family to this event,my brother-in-law is a marine so this will be great!!!
#4 David Kamptner on 2010-05-25 21:48
with 1630 back in action, will it head the anzio express?
#5 Raphael Chapman on 2011-03-29 11:56
Come dressed in 1940 era civilian cloths and have great time. Bring an umbrella, too, if needed.
#6 RickVoo on 2011-04-30 01:30
What is the cost of admission? I don't see it listed here or on the Anzio website. Thanks.
#7 MandyTee (Homepage) on 2011-05-19 07:19
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