one thing you can do with 36 is have it as a trailer behind the wooden cars already in the collection such as 308, 309, & 321 until its origonal trucks arrive.
#1 Eric Chapman on 2010-05-16 17:06
A lot of problems with your idea. As in the Saturday report, the motor truck has been removed and the car is balanced on a temporary shop truck without really good sidebearings, center bearing, etc. The truck we have has to go east and the same trip will bring back the original. The 36, as other Trolleyville cars acquired is in good shape considering age and rarity but is not ready to run in service. Many of the CA&E wood cars were two motor cars and they are underpowered to pull a trailer, especially considering wiring, age etc. The CA&E tended to favor two motor cars often, rather than a four motor car and non powered trailer. The window of opportunity to re-unite the truck with the 36 is very limited so I would not even consider the idea for another summer, and anyway no way to do that now. Bob Kutella
#1.1 Robert Kutella on 2010-05-17 05:32
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