the car that you are working on next to 6166 ( which should be converted back into a coach ) is i recall your northern pacific baggage car. so are you guys gonna cosmetically restore it in the NP paint scheme?
#1 Eric Chapman on 2010-06-10 20:57
Two answers for you Eric. The car that is receiving work is I believe CB&Q 983 although it is painted with a 963 number. There have been several posts and discussions about it since its recent arrival at IRM. So, it is NOT the NP baggage car but will get painted silver as it ran on CB&Q. The ex CB&Q coach (6166) was heavily modified by the railroad when it went into MOW service and the exterior is restored to reflect that. There are way too many missing parts and earlier modifications to consider taking that back to a passenger car. Bob Kutella
#1.1 Robert Kutella on 2010-06-11 04:53
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