are you guys also still planning on having yard 5 as a mini passenger terminal as sean in rail&wire issue 212 spring 2007? because it will be a great place to have passenger cars in ( the lightweagt & heavyweight that look in excellent condition cosmetically & able for revenue ) and the cars in other barnscurrently in yard 5 will end up going to barn 3. and i thought of a consist, the 3 DL&W cars can be behind lackawana 3001/ ingersol-rand locomotive. and i noticed that some passenger cars look very out of place especially in barn 9 the cars that can operate should be in yard 5 terminal and those for restoration & static display goes in barn 3 because it almost looks like a terminal in there already with the wooden block board walkway in there already.
#1 Eric Chapman on 2010-06-22 22:39
no real plans like that. first you must realize that the revenue cars have earned, (and paid for) indoor storage. That eliminates the Yard 5 idea for now. The other bit of reality is that, if the revenue cars were in Yard 5, they would be twice as difficult to pull out for service. The tailtrack is not long enough to clear more that three pieces at once, so a train would have to be removed in two pieces every week. The reason the revenue train is inside Barn 9 is exactly to solve that issue. The loco can back in hook up and go.
#1.1 Phil Stepek on 2010-06-22 23:14
by the way, how are funds for bringing back car 1309 from colorado?
#2 Eric Chapman on 2010-06-23 13:56
the funding is not too bad about 7k I have asked for consideration to make the UP move this year, since its on UP rail and we of course have owned it for almost 10 years. There are many other folks that want to use the available move, but I hope this one simple thing is a bird in the hand and its our "maybe" or "possibility" The mony in hand should cover the crane and flat car costs and get it HOME. Thanks for asking. Dont forget if 1309 is your favorite, it will need track space when it gets here too. If you are just interested in potential, you are welcome to consider donation to Olympus, which now has about 2k toward the 8 kn estimate to get it here as well.
#2.1 Phil Stepek on 2010-06-23 18:19
what is olympus? and i asked because i havn't heard any updates since several months ago.
#3 Eric Chapman on 2010-06-23 18:51
several months ago we were contacted and offered Olympus if we could pay for the mechanical repair and transportation. The estimate has been about 5-6 to make the car roadworthy and 2500 to get it home from its current location on live rail near St Louis Olympus is one of two CBQ 1948 Budd built baggage cars built as an addition to the Train of the Gods and Gioddesses when they were reassigned to Nebraska Zephyr service. Argo was the other car, and it was destroyed in Fla in the 90s. It was specifically named to match the trainsets, instead of the CBQ practice of naming all cars "Silver" something. After its service with the NZ trains the two baggage cars were assigned to the 1956 Denver Zephyr route, and therefore probably traveled with our Silver Ridge at some time as well. The car has corner damage, but the interior is dry,and being built in stainless, its not rusting. photos are here This car will take some work, yes, but its the only one AND its available for a really reasonable cost never having tried to do fundraising before, I just keep going along and talking to folks i see. Any help would be great, I personally could use donations to Olympus right now, but if you could help us in any way it would be greatly appreciated.
#3.1 Phil Stepek on 2010-06-23 19:26
ok & don't forget to update the equipment roster's.
#4 Eric Chapman on 2010-06-23 21:31
we try to update the roster when a piece of equipment arrives.
#5 Phil Stepek on 2010-06-23 22:06
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