hey, maybee for olympus, you can keep the shop trucks and see what you can do with them. wait which one has the shop trucks again?
#1 Raphael Chapman on 2010-12-30 23:02
ok to refresh the plan. We have a set of passenger trucks at IRM, but they are tread brake. They will not work under Silver Pony with her skirts. Olympus is coming with ISH disc trucks CBQ 1309 baggage car is coming with its own trucks. The orignal plan was to unliod all three at the same time, use the trucks from Olympus under Silver Pony and put the tread brake trucks under Olympus, at least for now to make the cars maneuverable. Of course , the timing of all this has gone south, so we are going to have to put the shop trucks under the dome for now, and we still hope to only need cranes once to unload both the dome and the heavyweight baggage car at the same time. This will redue the cost of unloading on our end.
#2 Phil Stepek on 2010-12-30 23:11
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