A recent issue of the Rail and Wire contained an article indicating that the physical plant was deteriorating and apparently that not enough funds are available to keep up. How is this situation affecting the track structure of the museum? Will it affect operations at the museum in the future?
#1 Mark Becker on 2011-01-16 20:13
You have misunderstood the statement. The physical plant is deteriorating, just like on the regular railroad. Our board has been very diligent in approving funds to keep the railroad in a safe condition. Last year the board approved the funds to have the rail checked for internal defects, ties were installed on switches touching the main tracks, and is expected that ties for the main line will again be approved this year. So yes the plant is deteriorating, but we are also spending the dollars necessary to keep up with it. At this time there are no defects on the main line or car line that will require additional speed restrictions. Frank D. IRM Track Department.
#1.1 Frank DeVries on 2011-01-16 21:16
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