That historic shot of 966 is at the corner of Plankington and Wells, looking west. Most of the commercial buildings are now gone, but a few large ones remain. So great that there's a project to preserve the streetcar and operate it!
#1 Davey (Homepage) on 2011-03-04 16:44
Did 354 run in both Milwaukee and Waukegan? Daryl Meyer
#2 Daryl Meyer on 2011-03-08 10:41
The short answer is YES, it did. More complete details are in the story within the latest RAIL AND WIRE. If you are not already a member this is a good time to join. If not, after a while the issues are usually scanned and posted to this website. I do not know how current that effort is. Bob Kutella
#2.1 Robert Kutella on 2011-03-08 17:04
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