Happiness is an open sign on the entrance to the museum!!!!
#1 jack pfleeger on 2011-03-31 16:22
What is going to go into the new shop space? Are you going to acquire new work materials or do you already have items?
#2 Philip C. on 2011-04-01 16:02
There is no shortage of ideas for that new space. Probably we will consider it as a general work area in the beginning, and take advantage of it as each project needs are identified and met. There will likely be some presence of wood working items, additional new workbenches, and the ability to do heavier mechanical and electrical restoration work that the old original Barn 4 car shop will not accommodate. A year from now we will wonder how we ever got along without this extra space! Kind of like the GOLDEN RULE - He with the most gold, makes all the rules. Bob Kutella
#2.1 Robert Kutella on 2011-04-02 02:57
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