I am curious as to when 'Olympus' is going to arrive at the museum. Has anyone heard anything lately on this? By the way, I enjoyed the re-enactments on the Memorial Day weekend, and hope you will do it again next year!!
#1 john franta on 2011-06-24 12:45
I cannot answer for any specific details on the Olympus arrival or movement. A number of mechanical and logistical issues, and their costs have arisen. Perhaps Phil Stepek, as Project Manager, will answer you here with a current update. As I am at the Museum often, I try to take pics or get reports of activity, and present them as 'news' or 'views' but of course cannot speak 'officially' for each department or project. Bob Kutella
#1.1 Robert Kutella on 2011-06-25 05:56
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