I don’t think the server can handle your new camera to well. It’s taking a long time to see the 2 Meg pictures your loading. Can you scale them back to 1024 x 768?
#1 Buzz on 2011-06-20 10:55
No, don't scale them. The server handles them just fine. The blog uses the full size so that the zoom option can be used on the top left corner of the image. The delay is based on the speed of your internet connection. I'll see about scaling on the fly for those that have slower connections.
#1.1 James Kolanowski on 2011-06-20 11:54
Don’t know what the zoom option is but even though my down load speed tests around 2.5 MB/S it takes around 20 sec to load a full size pix on this page.
#2 Buzz on 2011-06-20 22:21
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