TOP JOB IRM! This was by far the best presentation I have seen at the Museam, and by far the best time my family and I have had in years visiting the grounds. Thank you IRM
#1 Alan Payson on 2011-07-05 10:15
I'm a "new" member, and since I joined back in 1967, I've never seen so much equipment running on the same day. congratulations to all who helped, it was awesome!
#2 Dean Stanley on 2011-07-05 11:44
Sounds mighty impressive. Wish I was there to witness it. Wish I was there period. Visited the museum twice before. Have not been there in awhile. Must make a point to do so again soon! Someone should had videoed the event for those volunteering. Kudos to all!
#3 George Gong on 2011-07-05 13:16
SS 68 passing in revue on the 4th
#4 bob on 2011-07-05 22:03
NICE PHOTO! Thanks for sharing it. Kind of an odd looking piece of equipment, I wonder why anyone would restore it? I do not know if the link will go through in the comment section, but if you are willing to e mail it to me, I would be happy to edit my July 4th BLOG ENTRY, post it, credit you for the image. Bob Kutella
#4.1 Robert Kutella on 2011-07-06 05:20
Hey Bob, Nice pics. Maybe I'll bring my 2 year old grandson out this year. Hard to believe how long ago when you found that car in the field and all the CAD work you did. Paul
#4.1.1 Paul Kazlauskas on 2011-07-11 08:23
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