Seems to me we can stage a fairly good snow train now as she sits. Put both CNW GP7's, a CNW F7, and maybe even an SD40-2 and we have a cool train. Now I think you even have a nice wood CNW caboose that would look good with it as well.
#1 Frank on 2012-05-04 16:07
The CGW took delivery of these plows in a boxcar red/brown scheme and the lettering was white. The CGW repainted all MoW equipment into solid orange by the late 1950s and early 1960s. They were never painted maroon, even though some photos appear that way. The CNW repainted them into yellow, their MoW scheme for plows. FYI - I am doing some research for Mr. Opperman after he contacted me about this new item for IRM.
#2 Don Vaughn on 2012-05-05 14:36
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