I would like to know when the Railroad (and merry-go round) Museum will be open during the Phonograph Show. Thanks for your reply. Klaus Westphal
#1 klaus westphal on 2013-05-26 20:09
Klaus, I dropped a note to Jeff, who is organizing the event, but have not heard back yet. I do not currently know if the machine hall and carousel house are open during the whole event or only part of the time. Nigel
#1.1 Nigel Bennett on 2013-06-02 00:10
Klaus, I heard back from Jeff. The carousel and steam houses are definitely part of the event. The event starts at 1:00 but these houses (which are separate from the main building) are usually opened later. We do not have an exact time but it was mid afternoon last year. Nigel
#1.2 Nigel Bennett on 2013-06-05 18:23
? I had seen cinders and coal as directly related to the time when she was steam powered. Nigel
#2 Nigel Bennett on 2013-06-02 00:13
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