All departments did what needed to be done to get by in the early days. IF they had not, we would not have what we have today. It is good to see IRM has come so far that we can now do the jobs the right way. Congrats to DC Line department for another job completed. Frank D.
#1 Frank DeVries on 2012-12-04 13:29
Trolley wire construction and maint. are lost arts. I'm glad to see you are using more modern fittings in spite of the violation of historic appearance. Many have noticed the much improved signals being installed, but I have heard complaints that they are not historically correct. We have a fine line to follow in these kinds of changes, but we must compromise in the interests of safety.
#1.1 Frank Carraro on 2012-12-05 08:36
the location escapes me, can you post a sketch or photos ? I don't see this on the museum map. This sounds like a huge benefit though !
#2 Joe Jastrzebski on 2012-12-04 18:12
Hi Joe - I believe the Connector Track being referred to is on the recently updated Museum map at . The purple-colored track south-east of Barn 8 is the one described - it just hasn't been recolored to orange on the map yet (as of 12/13/2012).
#2.1 Mark Poynter on 2012-12-13 09:47
Thanks Mark, this map and the pics really show off the work and benefit of the electrified connector track. I'll be sure to watch for this next time I ride the trolley loop.
#2.1.1 Joe Jastrzebski on 2012-12-13 13:18
Many kudos to Mr. Tyms for getting things done. When I was a kid I would have jumped at the chance to do things like this. Unfortunately, in the "old" and "feeble" shape that I'm in ANY kind of jumping just ain't gonna happen....LOL. Someday, though, I hope to be able to shake your hand, Max.
#3 Jim Froida on 2012-12-11 20:35
Max, In your next installment, you should explain the process for removing old down guy anchors and installing new ones. Do the old anchors have to be dug out?
#4 Ray Schmid on 2012-12-13 13:42
Thank you for your work Mr. Tyms. Your report does a great job highlighting just one example of volunteers working behind the scenes to bring smiles to us visitors.
#5 Marc L. on 2012-12-18 05:31
Great report, Max....and good job! Keep up the good work.
#6 Marcus Ruef on 2012-12-20 15:12
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