Super job guys. I am not familiar with the car. How is the interior and will the car be totally? Also will it be out running this summer? Again great job...thank you!!
#1 Matt Gibbons on 2013-02-03 17:42
Great news on the Silver Pony. I eagerly await it being available for rides during the summer, after the rest of the work on it is attended to. I have a question about indoor storage. Once Barn 14 is built, how much (more or less) of the current collections will still be outdoors?
#2 Brian J. Patterson on 2013-02-04 10:50
Thanks Matt for your question. The Silver Pony is a Budd built dome chair car. We received it from the Grand Canyon RR. Unfortunately, it is incomplete needing some work to be operational. Would you like to help? If you are a member please come out on Sat or Sunday. If not I invite you to join as an associate member of the Illinois Railway Museum
#3 Roger Kramer on 2013-02-04 19:55
I would love to come and help the only problem for me is that i live almost 2 hr away and am still in high school but going to come in the summer can't wait
#3.1 Luke Solberg on 2013-02-28 21:15
Hello Brian. Thanks for your question! Are you a member? I would like to extend an invitation to become an associate member of the museum! The Silver Pony will not be operational for this year. It needs much "elbow grease" to make it operational. Would you like to help us? After 14 is built an estimate of 1 mile of equipment still to be stored inside. We keep getting more....
#4 Roger Kramer on 2013-02-04 20:08
So sorry to hear of Phil's passing. I know how tireless he was in working on the silver cars. His effort was not taken for granted by those of us who view the museum from distance and greatly appreciate the effort that the volunteers perform. I hope he is in the sleeping car somewhere taking a good rest! Damm Cancer! Steve
#5 Steve C on 2013-02-06 13:34
Thank you for your kind words. Would you consider sending a donation to the Silver Pony and Barn 14 Funds in his memory? Restoring the dome will take a lot of time and money
#6 Roger on 2013-02-06 16:21
Hello Luke WE hope to see you this summer. Bring your entire family along if you so chose. Please keep the long Labor day open for another trip to Irm. Many of the members started when they were in HS or college. Stop in barn 3 the coach barn. Roger
#7 Roger Kramer on 2013-02-28 21:55
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