The snowplow looks great! Are you going to apply the door and upper windows befor it is turned to continue work?
#1 Kirk Warner on 2013-05-09 15:20
No, it will not be necessary to hold any of the work waiting for the plow to be turned, end for end. Weather will be the major factor, but there will surely be good days. Bob Kutella
#1.1 Robert Kutella on 2013-05-10 02:15
The CGW X-38 plow is really coming to life. Bob Kutella and Vic and crew need to be very proud of your collective efforts. I am very appreciative of the time you also take to make these FB posts for all of us who cannot make it to the museum. Next time I come to visit I'm bringing beer, brats and whiskey and force this crew to take a break.
#2 Bob Vaughn on 2013-05-09 19:54
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