Hi, I'm new to the area and plan on making a visit during labor day weekend in the hopes that I'll get to see some steam. Do you have any updates on what steam, if anything, should be operating? Thanks.
#1 James M. on 2013-07-23 14:08
My understanding is that two visiting steam locomotives are scheduled for the event at Labor Day weekend. One is Leviathan the other I believe is a tank engine. Nigel
#1.1 Nigel Bennett on 2013-07-25 19:17
Will 1630 run for the 60th anniversary
#2 Andrew Ossler on 2013-07-26 13:23
Nigel has stated that the steam department is trying to get 1630 steaming in 2013 but the timeline isn't very clear at this point. Hopefully yes, realistically iffy for the 60th.
#2.1 NICK on 2013-07-27 09:16
Nick, Could not put it better myself. Thank you. Nigel
#2.1.1 Nigel Bennett on 2013-07-29 15:39
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