I would like to know more about volunteering with the Steam Department at the museum. I'm a college kid (21 years old) from south east Wisconsin that has always been fascinated with steam locomotives, and would love to learn how to work on them. I have no experience working on them, however. I've seen the volunteering requirements on the website, but is there anything else I should know? Also, who should I contact to begin? Excellent work on the 1630!
#1 Christian Ellis on 2014-02-15 17:27
Christian, There is not much beside what is on the website. You need to be a member (one key reason being that insurance only applies to members). I will send you a standard e-mail of expectations in the Steam Shop when I get home. However the general guidance is that the work may well be pretty basic to start with but, if you demonstrate that you are keen to learn and reliable, (it is easy o do a lot of damage quickly if you do not recognize when to ask about something you do not understand) you can get involved in more substantial projects quite quickly. Nigel
#1.1 Nigel Bennett on 2014-02-17 12:08
Thanks for the information. I realize that it will take time to get to the more substantial projects, but I'd prefer that so that I don't damage anything. Again, thanks for the response!
#1.1.1 Christian Ellis on 2014-02-17 12:34
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