Great to see the car being returned to service! Do you have plans to reprint the exterior?
#1 Kirk Warner on 2014-09-27 19:38
Yes! We are making plans for that now. The various parts of repainting are coming together nicely. It is going in one of the new barns when they are completed in about 18 mos. which is a rough timeframe. We are always looking for volunteers.
#1.1 Warren Newhauser on 2014-10-06 16:25
That's me in the last picture, with the red hair, and it was a lot of fun to ride in the dynamometer car behind the 1630. Thanks to all that make all this happen.
#2 William on 2014-09-28 09:15
Thanks for coming down from Minnesota to IRM. Glad you had fun!!
#2.1 Warren Newhauser on 2014-10-08 11:31
I rode the last car of the train (as a passenger, not crew) for the first night run and found it to be pleasantly bizarre to ride in a car lit only by a trainman's lantern on the floor and my phone displaying a GPS speed app, while watching the track recede in the dark, illuminated only by the block signals.
#3 David S. on 2014-09-28 23:54
David, That is why I am planning a compromise between the two, lights, and no lights. I am leaning towards having the train lit in the station, and as soon as we pull out of the station, we cut the lights in each car. When we get back to the station, the crew cuts the lights back in for disembarking. I personally enjoy watching the block signals and starlight, listening to the 1630's whistle as we rock and roll through the night.
#3.1 Brian L. on 2014-09-29 15:18
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