speaking of equipment movement, someone on facebook said the museum is getting Conrail E33 (EX-New Haven/ EX-VIR) #4601. is it true? almost too good to be.
#1 Raphael on 2015-08-19 02:24
Hello Raphael Hold onto your seat... Yes, that's true matter of fact its in transit as of yesterday. Please come out to view it when it arrives! Roger
#1.1 Roger Kramer on 2015-08-19 06:41
members day?
#1.1.1 Raphael on 2015-08-21 21:26
The ex-NH EF-4 #301 (CR 4601)is apparently awaiting pick up by the P&W in Old Saybrook, CT for movement to the IRM. Hopefully, it will be restored to her NH colors.
#1.2 Rick Abramson on 2015-08-19 06:52
another rumor within the rumor is that the engine will be cosmetically restored at the altoona shops before carrying on. this may not be true either.
#1.2.1 Raphael on 2015-08-21 18:16
I heard that rumor too, but it would be kinda surprising as the latest Ive seen, the locomotive, even as rare as it is, is in very rough shape. I think it would be cool, like you, to have that in the collection, but Im really hoping IRM didnt do that. There are so many pieces in the collection that need so much time and money and I thought the museum was regionally focused, which, this is clearly not. Im a quality over quantity guy but Im just a donator, not a decision maker.
#2 William on 2015-08-19 17:58
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