How is No.1630 doing?
#1 Nick on 2016-06-21 22:53
The steam department deserves high praise for the high quality of work which they have been producing. The videos that are out on YouTube of the 1630 moving the stored coal cars has generated great comments throughout the restoration community. It is wonderful to think that there will possibly be two steam engines in service in 2016. While I understand that repairing the 1630 is the highest priority, I am interested on the status of the work on the 428? In the cab going to go on anytime soon? With all of the effort going into cosmetically improving the 938, is there any plan to repair the rusted out portions of the tender? I look forward to the steam department updates as I can only get out to the IRM four or five times per year.
#2 Kirk Warner on 2016-06-23 11:27
How is work progressing on UP # 428?
#3 Dave Cook on 2016-06-25 07:22
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