What is the progress on both the Union Pacific 428 and Graysonia, Nashville & Ashdown R.R. Co. 26
#1 Rob Weinberg on 2016-09-17 15:25
With work on topping off the shay, giving 938 a new coat of paint and Keeping 1630 on the tracks, 428 has progressed slowly while GNA 26 has taken a back seat. thats what i know anyway.
#1.1 Raphael on 2016-09-17 17:31
Would IRM be interested in doing a 50th anniversary of the first steam locomotive operations? I believe it occurred on October 29th 1967 with J. Neils Lumber Company Shay 5. It would be on Sunday October 29th 2017. Any thoughts or interests?
#2 Dave Annett on 2016-10-01 18:32
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