Great job on everything. Quick question. Why aren't you the largest railroad museum in the world? You have more trains than the largest. I think. Is it the size of the museum or the roster?
#1 Logan Smith on 2017-01-17 13:44
In response to your quick questions: Yes, we are. and YES.
#1.1 Max Tyms on 2017-01-31 16:40
Logan, when measuring the size of a museum its typically by the size of the collection. While IRM may not be the largest in the world, they are the largest in the US and arguably North America and possibly the Northern Hemisphere.
#1.2 CL Hogger on 2017-02-06 09:55
You guys have way more peices of rolling stock and engines. The largest just has more books. I think IRM is really the largest in the world
#1.2.1 Logan on 2017-02-13 13:46
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