Good job on the steam update. Sincerely, Ethan A.
#1 Ethan A. on 2018-01-20 20:12
I just want to comment that I read your blog often and learned many years ago how dedicated you all are; from Mr. Berkman and mr late husband Bill Millsap. Many years ago they made an agreement over some HO work and Bill left a Big steam whistle in Ron Berkmans care to someday be placed on an engine in Monticello. Bill died in 2010 and I have limited contact with his many railroad friends. Yesterday I received a message that Ron had followed through and the big whistle is now in Monticello. I had in the past heard this and it is a beautiful piece of equipment. If possible when this is put into operation I would .like a photo. I understand your busy, hard work schedule, so if this is a problem I do understand. Bless you all for all you have done and are doing at Monticello. Thanks Sandy Millsap
#1.1 Sandy Millsap on 2018-01-21 06:59
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