Good job on the steam update 2018. Sincere, Ethan A.
#1 Ethan Armitage on 2018-03-25 20:45
It never ceases to amaze me of the diligence and passion of the current mix of volunteers associated with IRM in 2018. Back when I was a active volunteer in the late 70's the museum was just getting started. No way was the mx of equipment then any match to what you have now. Keep up the good work.
#2 Thomas Kaufman on 2018-03-26 16:29
Why did the smoke box cover on the shay need to be replace Do?
#3 David Johnston on 2018-03-27 03:08
As a child, IRM was always my favorite place to visit. Well, other than grandma's house next to the Geneva Sub. It's been many years since I now reside in NC, but I'm always going to the IRM Site to see what's going on. All this progress on the steam front has been very interesting to read about and exciting to watch! Great job by all involved. We appreciate each and every one of you and all the dirty thankless jobs you're volunteering your time to complete. Keep steaming ahead. THANK YOU!
#4 Lee on 2018-04-08 20:03
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