Good job guys and gals. On to UP 428
#1 THOMAS KAUFMAN on 2018-07-07 13:46
It was nice to see Roger's post on the successful steamup of J. Neils Lumber Company #5/Shay. I have been out of the area for over 41 years and sadly have not been able to volunteer. I was glad to see this locomotive is close to being active as this was the first steam locomotive I saw at IRM when I came as a young lad in the late 60's. And when I was volunteer in train service in the early 70's this was the active steam locomotive. Good job, guys to the steam team and all other departments as well. keep up the good work!!
#2 Thomas Kaufman on 2018-07-12 17:14
When is shy 5 running this year. Sincerely, Ethan A.
#3 Ethan on 2018-07-16 16:53
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