Is the Electroliner ever going to run / displayed in a trolley pageant?
#1 Larry Glickman on 2011-07-14 13:19
Two questions asked. The Electroliner has been towed from its storage Barn and displayed for special events several times in recent years. It still looks great. The next answer is not in my area of responsibility but the short answer is MONEY. There is great interest among members but the scope of the work on motors and a/c (sealed window unit) is beyond what might be accomplished by our volunteer forces. We just do not have the tools, machines, and experience to do most of that work. So depending on who you talk to estimates for outside contractor work range from $50K to $100K. Until the actual motors are pulled and work begun in earnest those numbers are largely speculation - no firm estimates are in hand. The feeling is that this total would take a decade to accumulate from free will member donations, so some work is being done to investigate possible grant money. Not an easy proposition in this economy. If any of you have grant writing experience I can put you in touch with the appropriate department and workers. Bob Kutella
#1.1 Robert Kutella on 2011-07-14 17:39
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